Figure 3. Temporal profiles of averaged (N = 25) hemodynamic changes in the left and right hemispheres measured by TCD (A) and NIRS (B–D) during chewing of three different gums.
In (A), the data obtained during putting the TO-gum on the tongue are also superimposed as gray lines. In the NIRS signals (B–D), ΔO2Hb is shown in (B), ΔHHb in (C), and ΔcHb in (D). Data are represented as mean ± SEM every 1 min. A bold bar in each panel indicates the duration of the gum-chewing test. Statistical comparisons were performed between the control value (i.e., before chewing) and the value measured at each time point. Significant differences are represented by individual symbols: *, control vs. TO-gum; †, control vs. T-gum; $, control vs. C-gum. Statistically significant levels were set at P = 0.005 ( = 0.05/10) by one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons.