Fig 3.
(A) Laterality indexes (LI) obtained in the dichotic listening conditions (NF: non-forced, FR: forced-right, FL: forced-left) during the sitting and walking sessions. Results from the two-way within-subjects ANOVAs (Condition×Session) indicated a significant main effect of condition for LI, with the p-value for the effect - pc - reported on the graph. (B) Exponents α obtained from step length (SL), step time (ST), and step speed (SS) time series as a function of the experimental conditions (walking: W, walking when performing dichotic listening: W+NF, W+FR, and W+FL). Results from the one-way within-subjects ANOVAs indicated a significant main effect of condition for α(SS), with the p-value for the effect - pc(SS) - reported on the graph. LI and α values are means ± standard errors of the population.