Figure 3.
A: Grand-averaged event-related potential (ERP) waveforms of early posterior negativity (EPN) at electrodes O1/O2 in response to subliminally presented threat-related and neutral stimuli. The solid and dashed waves indicate the threat-related and neutral stimuli respectively. ERP activity inside of the gray bars represents the EPN. The arrows indicate the EPN effect on female subjects. B: Topographic maps are indicating the cortical activities during 150-240 ms point for subliminally presented threat-related and neutral stimuli in male and female subjects. The typical EPN (posterior negativity and anterior positivity) was found in female subjects. C: The mean peak amplitude and standard errors of the EPN component for male and female participants in response to subliminally presented threat-related and neutral stimuli. Male participants did not show any significant difference between threat-related and neutral stimuli while female subjects showed a significant increase in the amplitude of the EPN component in response to threat-related stimuli. *p<0.05.