Figure 3.
Correlation analysis of mRNA localization data from [44••] indicates clustering of axonal mRNA trafficking responses to related stimuli. In this network graph, correlations between responses to each stimulus are represented as distances (high correlation = short distance). The fold changes (x) in the axonal localization of 51 mRNAs in response to extracellular stimuli were taken from [44••] and converted to a linear scale y according to y = x – |x|/x. For each pair of stimuli, the Pearson correlation coefficient r was calculated for y across the 51 genes. The five stimulation conditions were drawn as points where each pair of stimuli is connected by a line of length of approximately 1 – r, using Graphviz software, with values of significant correlations shown. Line lengths are not exact because of geometrical constraints. Lines representing correlations that are not statistically significant (p > 0.05) are shaded gray.