(A) Percentages of uniquely mapped and multi-hit reads in total mapped reads. Reads that overlap with the UCSC RepeatMasker (RMSK) track are highlighted by forward slash.
(B) Relative enrichment (log2 ratio of IP over input) for each cytosine modification at major classes of repetitive sequences in mouse ESCs. Values represent means of two biological replicates with ends of error bars corresponding to individual data points.
(C, D) Representative images of mouse ESC surface spreads co-stained with 5fC and 5mC antibodies. Same exposure time was used for comparing control (shCtrl) and Tet1 knockdown (shTet1) mouse ESCs in (D). Scale bar, 100 µm.
(E) Bar graph presentation of the fold change of the enrichment in each class of repetitive sequences upon Tdg knockdown.
See also Tables S1.