Main QFSM analysis user interface. A) This drop down menu contains the FSM movies to be analyzed. B) The lower part of the window lists all the processing steps of a QFSM analysis. Each step can be setup using the Setting button C), scheduled for running using the checkbox next to its name D). After clicking the Run button E), the outputs of the individual processes can be visualized using the corresponding Result button F). G) Icons on the left of each process indicate the status of the process. The presence of an icon next to a process indicates that the process has currently stored results in the movie database. In this example, step 8 has never been run. The green check box items next to step 1 and 2 indicate that results of these processes are updated in the movie database. The exclamation point triangle next to steps 3 – 7 indicate that the results are no longer updated, requiring rerunning of these processes. This can happen, for instance, when a parameter in step 3 has been changed. (H) Specific help can be queried using the icons on the far right of the process.