Figure 1. Decreased primary seed dormancy and vivipary phenotype of abi4.
(A)–(F) Germination of WT and abi4 seeds on 1/2 MS medium with or without stratification treatment. Seeds were stored for 1, 2 weeks or 6 months after harvest and subjected to analysis. Quantitative analysis of germination rates are shown in the right panels (n≥45). One representative image per genotype (1.5 days after sowing) is shown (left panels). Bar = 0.25 mm. Percentages are the average of three repeats ± standard error. (G) Representative images of vivipary phenotype of abi4 on 1/2 MS medium (a, c) or on soil (b, d) are shown. Immature long-green siliques were collected from plants with various genotypes plants grown under the identical growth conditions.