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. 2013 Jun 20;9(6):e1003565. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003565

Table 1. Operons with an upstream FNR ChIP-seq peak and a FNR-dependent change in expression under GMM.

Peak Center (nt)a Operonb B-number of first genec Function of Operon Productd Number of FNR binding sitese Location top scoring FNR binding sitef σ70 occupancy -O2 relative to +O2 g WT -O2 expression relative to WT +O2 expressionh Previous Experimental Evidence of FNR Bindingi Previous Evidence of FNR Regulated Expressionj
Operons directly activated by FNR (Category 1)
1,003,976 pyrD b0945 Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase 1 −38.5 + o [29] [17]
1,656,036 ynfEFGH- dmsD b1587 Putative Selenate Reductase (ynfEFGH); DMS Reductase Maturation Protein (dmsD) 1 −40.5 + + None [18], [19]
1,935,550 pykA b1854 Pyruvate Kinase II 1 −40.5 + + [29] [19]
3,611,605 nikABCDE b3476 Nickel Transporter 1 −40.5 + + None [126]
953,741 focA-pflB b0904 Formate Transporter (focA); Pyruvate Formate-Lyase (pflB) 2 −40.5 + + [127] [128]
2,714,605 yfiD b2579 Stress-Induced Alternative Pyruvate Formate-Lyase 1 −40.5 + + [129] [129]
940,035 dmsABC b0894 Dimethyl Sulfoxide Reductase 1 −41.5 + + [41] [41]
1,279,003 narGHJI b1224 Nitrate Reductase 1 −41.5 + + [41] [130]
1,627,208 ydfZ b1541 Unknown Function 2 −41.5 + + [29] [18], [19]
1,837,412 ynjE b1757 Molybdopterin Synthase Sulfurtransferase 1 −41.5 + + None [18]
3,491,947 nirBDC- cysG b3365 Nitrite Reductase (nirBDC); Uroporphyrin III C-Methyltransferase (cysG) 1 −41.5 + + [21] [130]
4,285,670 nrfABCDEFG b4070 Periplasmic Nitrite Reductase 1 −41.5 + + [42] [42]
34,059 caiF b0034 Carnitine Transcriptional Activator 1 −41.5 + o [29] [47]
1,277,082 narK b1223 Nitrate/Nitrite Antiporter 1 −41.5 + + [41] [131]
877,441 bssR b0836 Regulator of Biofilm Formation 1 −41.5 + + None None
1,752,688 ydhYVWXUT b1674 Predicted Oxidoreductase System 1 −42.5 + + [132] [18], [19]
1,407,150 fnrS b4699 Small Regulatory RNA 1 −42.5 + N/A [48], [49] [48], [49]
4,380,446 frdABCD b4154 Fumarate Reductase 1 −45.5 + + [133] [43]
3,635,591 pitA b3493 Phosphate Transporter 1 −56.5 + o [29] [18], [19]
1,831,403 ydjXYZ- ynjABCD b1750 Predicted Proteins (ydjXYZ-ynjAB); Predicted Transporter (ynjCD) 1 −60.5 + + [18] [18], [19]
913,151 hcp-hcr b0873 Hybrid-Cluster Protein (hcp); NADH Oxidoreductase (hcr) 1 −72.5 No σ70 Peaks (σE Site) + [134] [134]
2,411,410 ackA-pta b2296 Acetate Kinase/(ackA); Phosphate Acetyltransferase (pta) 1 −74.5 + + [29] [135]
4,347,259 dcuB- fumB b4123 Dicarboxylate Transporter (dcuB); Fumarase B (fumB) 1 −132.5 + + [29] [136]
1,665,279 ynfK b1593 Predicted Dethiobiotin Synthetase 1 TSS not known + + [29] [18], [19]
2,415,052 yfcC b2298 Putative S-transferase 1 TSS not known + + [29] [19]
3,299,421 yhbUV b3158 Predicted Peptidase 1 TSS not known + + [29] [18], [19]
3,352,152 yhcC b3211 Predicted Fe-S Oxidoreductase 1 TSS not known + + [29] [19]
3,654,199 yhiD b3508 Predicted Mg2+ ATP-dependent Transporter 1 TSS not in peak region + + None [18]
3,463,910 yjiML b4335 Hypothetical Protein 1 TSS not in peak region + + None [17], [18]
4,615,181 yjjI b4380 Conserved Protein 1 TSS not known + + None [18], [19]
655,298 dcuC b0621 Dicarboxylate Transporter 1 TSS not in peak region + + None [137]
4,228,181 pepE b4021 Peptidase E 1 TSS not known + + None [18]
Operons directly repressed by FNR with an overall decrease in expression under anaerobic growth conditions (Category 2)
1,397,604 fnr b1334 Anaerobic Transcriptional Regulator 1 −0.5 o [138] [138]
142,604 can b0126 Carbonic Anhydrase 2 2 −11.5 None [17]
2,088,088 hisLGDC b2018 Histidine Biosynthesis 1 −11.5 + o None [18]
1,165,151 ndh b1109 NADH:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase II 1 −50.5 o [139] [139]
2,176,686 fbaB b2097 Fructose Bisphosphate Aldolase Class I 1 −59.5 No σ70 Peaks (σS Site) o None [18]
1,030,741 yccA b0970 Putative Transport Protein 1 −71.5 o None None
3,217,259 ygjG b3073 Putrescine Aminotransferase 1 −96.5 None None
1,014,801 rmf b0953 Ribosome Modulation Factor 1 −98.5 + o None None
4,231,491 lysC b4024 Aspartate Kinase III 2 −115.5 + o None None
1,986,025 yecR b1904 Predicted Protein 1 +30 o None [18],[19]
400,328 iraP b0382 Anti-Adaptor Protein for σS Stabilization 2 TSS not in peak region None [18], [19]
1,860,717 msrB b1778 Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B 1 TSS not in peak region + None [18]
2,342,585 nrdAB b2234 Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase I 1 TSS not in peak region None [18], [19]
Operons directly repressed by FNR with an overall increase in expression under anaerobic growth conditions (Category 2)
3,656,030 gadE b3512 Transcriptional Activator 2 −22.5 + + None [18]
3,654,924 hdeD b3511 Acid-Resistance Membrane Protein 1 −43.5 + + None [18]
121,987 pdhR-aceEF-lpdA b0113 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase 1 −50.5 + [29] [140]
770,404 cydAB b0733 Cytochrome bd-1 Terminal Oxidase 1 −53.5 + + [50] [141]
3,654,924 hdeAB-yhiD b3510 Acid-Resistance Proteins 1 −126.5 + + None [18]
1,311,935 ompW b1256 Outer Membrane Protein 1 −126.5 + + [29] [19]
2,310,730 ompC b2215 Outer Membrane Porin C 1 TSS not in peak region + + None [18]
2,848,688 hycABCDEFGHI b2725 Hydrogenase 3 1 TSS not in peak region No σ70 Peaks (σN Site) + None [18]

Genomic location within each FNR ChIP-seq peak with the highest read count (the summit of the peak).


Operon downstream of the FNR ChIP-seq peak, and operon designation was obtained from EcoCyc [70].


Identification number (B-number) for the first gene in each operon, obtained from EcoCyc [70].


Functional description of the products of the operons, obtained from EcoCyc [70].


Number of predicted FNR motifs identified within the FNR ChIP-seq peak region.


Location of FNR PWM (motif with best PatSer score used if more than one motif identified) relative to the transcription start site (if known). Start site locations obtained from EcoCyc [70] and Kim et al [142].


Analysis of σ70 occupancy (as determined using ChIP-seq data) under aerobic compared to anaerobic growth conditions. Increases (+) and decreases (−) in σ70 occupancy were statistically determined using a one-sided, paired t-test and p-values were corrected using the Bonferroni method. Also listed are those sites with no σ70 ChIP-seq peaks (Table S2).


The expression of each operon in WT −O2 cultures was compared to expression in WT +O2 cultures. Each operon was determined to have a significant (>2 fold) increase (+), decrease (−) and no change (o) in WT −O2 relative to WT +O2 (Table S12).


Reference for experimentally determined FNR binding at the location of the FNR ChIP-seq peak, if previously identified. Those operons without experimentally determined FNR binding data are marked “None”.


Reference for FNR-dependent change in expression of each operon, if previously identified. Those without previous FNR expression data are marked “None”.