Table 2. Novel polyomaviruses detected in nonhuman primates.
Polyomavirus | Virus abbreviation | Host species | Origin of hosta | PCR-positive tissue(s) | PCR-positive individuals |
Ateles paniscus polyomavirus 1 | ApanPyV1 | Red-faced spider monkey | Germany (c) | Intestine, liver, lung, spleen | 1 |
Cebus albifrons polyomavirus 1 | CalbPyV1 | White-fronted capuchin | Germany (c) | Lung, spleen | 1 |
Cebus albifrons polyomavirus 2 | CalbPyV2 | White-fronted capuchin | Germany (c) | Spleen | 1 |
Cebus albifrons polyomavirus 3 | CalbPyV3 | White-fronted capuchin | Germany (c) | Skin | 1 |
Cercopithecus erythrotis polyomavirus 1 | CeryPyV1 | Red-eared guenon | Cameroon (w) | Intestine, spleen | 1 |
Gorilla beringei graueri polyomavirus 1 | GbergPyV1 | Eastern gorilla | DRCb (w) | Feces | 1 |
Gorilla gorilla gorilla polyomavirus 2 | GgorgPyV2 | Western gorilla | Cameroon (w) | Lymph node | 1 |
Macaca fascicularis polyomavirus 1 | MfasPyV1 | Crab-eating macaque | Germany (c) | Lymph node, spleen | 2 |
Pan troglodytes verus polyomavirus 3 | PtrovPyV3 | Western chimpanzee | Côte d'Ivoire (w) | Feces, lymph node, spleen | 1 |
Pan troglodytes verus polyomavirus 4 | PtrovPyV4 | Western chimpanzee | Côte d'Ivoire (w) | Spleen | 1 |
Pan troglodytes verus polyomavirus 5 | PtrovPyV5 | Western chimpanzee | Côte d'Ivoire (w) | Feces, lung, lymph node, spleen | 4 |
Pan troglodytes verus polyomavirus 6 | PtrovPyV6 | Western chimpanzee | Côte d'Ivoire (w) | Muscle, skin | 1 |
Pan troglodytes troglodytes polyomavirus 1 | PtrotPyV1 | Central chimpanzee | Gabon (s) | Feces | 1 |
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii polyomavirus 2 | PtrosPyV2 | Eastern chimpanzee | Uganda (s) | Blood | 1 |
Piliocolobus badius polyomavirus 1 | PbadPyV1 | Western red colobus | Côte d'Ivoire (w) | Lung | 1 |
Piliocolobus badius polyomavirus 2 | PbadPyV2 | Western red colobus | Côte d'Ivoire (w) | Liver, lung, lymph node, spleen | 4 |
Piliocolobus rufomitratus polyomavirus 1 | PrufPyV1 | Eastern red colobus | DRC (w) | Spleen | 1 |
Pithecia pithecia polyomavirus 1 | PpitPyV1 | White-faced saki | Germany (c) | Blood, lung, lymph node, spleen | 2 |
Pongo pygmaeus polyomavirus 1 | PpygPyV1 | Bornean orangutan | Germany (c) | Spleen | 1 |
Saimiri sciureus polyomavirus 1 | SsciPyV1 | Squirrel monkey | Germany (c) | Lymph node, spleen | 2 |
Living conditions: w, wild; c, held in captivity; s, born in the wild but kept in a sanctuary.
DRC = Democratic Republic of Congo.