Figure 2.
PP mesh induces complement and granulocyte activation upon contact with blood, which can be blocked by complement inhibitors. A) Amounts of C3 cleavage products in plasma isolated from blood incubated at 37°C for 60 min without treatment (no inhibitor) or with shredded 20 mg/ml PP mesh (no inhibitor–PP mesh), and blood pretreated with 20 μM of a compstatin analog (compstatin) or an inactive control peptide (control compstatin) in the presence or absence of shredded PP mesh, as determined by ELISA (n=6). Results are expressed as percentage activation seen in plasma treated with cobra venom factor, which results in 100% complement activation. B) Induction of CD11b expression on the surface of granulocytes obtained from lepirudin-anticoagulated blood incubated at 37°C for 60 min without treatment (no inhibitor) or treated with 20 mg/ml shredded PP mesh implant, and blood incubated with or without the mesh implant and pretreated with either 20 μM compstatin, 20 μM control compstatin, 10 μM C5aRa (C5aRa), or 10 μM C5aRa control peptide (control C5aRa). The results are presented as ratios of the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of granulocytes stained with CD11b mAb to cells stained with the isotype control, as determined by flow cytometry (n=6). Granulocytes were gated according to their forward scatter channel/side scatter channel characteristics. *P < 0.05, 1-way ANOVA.