Figure 2. Multiple amino acid alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence of gulonolactone oxidase (Gulo) from the kidney of Himantura signifer, with eight other known sequences of Gulo from GenBank; Scyliorhinus torazame (cloudy catshark Gulo; Q90YK3.1), Triakis scyllium (banded houndshark Gulo; ABO15547.1), Mustelus manazo (starspotted smooth-hound Gulo; ABO15548.1), Acipenser transmontanus (sturgeon Gulo; ABO15549.1), Xenopus laevis (frog GULO; NM_001095065), Pelodiscus sinensis (turtle GULO; AET14634.1), Gallus gallus (chicken GULO; XM_001234313), and Mus musculus (mouse GULO; P58710.3).
Identical amino acids are indicated by shaded residues. The FAD-binding and ALO domains are underlined in bold and dotted lines respectively. P denotes potential phosphorylation sites. O denotes potential O-GlcNAcylation sites. The predicted transmembrane domains are underlined. The transmembrane domains (TM) of Gulo of H. signifer were predicted using MEMSATS & MEMSAT-SVA provided by PSIPRED protein structure prediction server.