Table 1.
Study Characteristics and Quality Score for Acupuncture Trials (QSAT)
General characteristics |
Quality measures |
Quality scores |
Study & ref. | Disorder | Patient population | Inc/exc criteria | Study type | Control treatment | Sample size calculation/goal met | Randomization | Blinding | Acup method | Acup treatment course | Outcome measure | Included lost subjects w/ NNT | QSAT (20) | Jadad (5) |
Courbasson et al. 200728 | Anxiety Dep. | Women enrolled in a substance-abuse program | Yes/Yes* | Parallel RCT* | Counseling, psychotherapy†# | No†† | None†† | None†† | Standardized† | 9 over 3 weeks† | BI* | No†† | 9 | 2 |
Allen et al. 199823 | MDD | Women 18–45 yo w/ MDD | Yes/Yes* | Crossover RC††,# | Nonspecific acup and none* | Yes/No† | Block* | Double-blinded* | Individualized* | 12 over 8 weeks* | BI, HRS, IDS, SCID* | No†† | 15 | 4 |
Manber et al. 200425 | MDD | Pregnant women >18 yo w/ MDD | Yes/Yes* | Parallel RCT* | Nonspecific acup and massage* | No†† | Block* | Double-blinded* | Individualized* | 12 over 8 weeks* | BI, SCID, HRS* | Yes, NNT 2.7* | 18 | 5 |
Manber et al. 201026 | MDD | Pregnant women >18 yo w/ MDD | Yes/Yes* | Parallel RCT* | Nonspecific acup and massage* | Yes/Yes* | Block* | Double-blinded¶ | Individualized* | 12 over 8 weeks* | HRS, DSM IV* | Yes, NNT 5.3* | 19 | 4 |
Dormaenen et al. 201124 | Dep. | Women in menopause w/ hot flashes | Yes/Yes* | Parallel RCT* | Patient education†† | No†† | Block* | None†† | Individualized* | 10 over 12 weeks* | BI* | No†† | 12 | 3 |
Isoyama et al. 201227 | Anxiety | Women < 45 undergoing IVF | Yes/Yes* | Parallel RCT* | Sham acup* | Yes/Yes* | Block* | Single-blinded† | Standardized† | 4–6 over 4 weeks†† | HRS* | Yes, none† | 15 | 3 |
Legend: *, ideal (2 points); †inferior (1 point); ††, unsatisfactory (0 points), #, lack of adequate description, ¶lack of adequate implementation.
Outcome measures: BI, Beck Inventory; HRS, Hamilton Rating Scale; IDS, Inventory of Depressive Symptomology; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM; DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. rev., Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association, 2000.
Inc, inclusion; exc, exclusion; Acup, acupuncture; w/, with; NNT, number needed to treat ; Dep., depression; MDD, major depressive disorder; yo, years old; IVF, in vitro fertilization; RCT, randomized controlled trial.