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. 2013 Jun 21;4:339. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00339

Table 3.

Linear mixed model for median manual reaction time (significant effects with t-value ±2 in bold).

Estimate SE t-Value
Intercept 1168.8442 106.0349 11.023
Age 2.1077 5.9926 0.352
Eccentricity 1300.1934 102.1377 12.730
Type of course −96.3001 102.1377 −0.943
Age × eccentricity 1.7190 4.6347 0.371
Age × type of course 0.2802 4.6347 0.060
Eccentricity × type of course 956.0274 105.0335 9.102
Moderate video game experience −82.3265 170.3392 −0.483
Extensive video game experience 50.1128 402.1579 0.125
Eccentricity × extensive video game experience −509.1063 199.4952 −2.552
Type of course × extensive video game experience 196.0442 199.4952 0.983
Eccentricity × moderate video game experience −269.9960 151.7790 −1.779
Type of course × moderate video game experience 71.6985 151.7790 0.472
Age × extensive video game experience 7.1096 20.0873 0.354
Age × moderate video game experience 6.3935 8.4901 0.753
Variance components S.D.
Subject 311.22
Residual 448.70