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. 2013 May;72(5 Suppl 1):87–97.

Table 7.

Diabetes Performance Measures: Majuro Hospital Diabetes Clinic, 2010

Measure Performance Criteria
Frequency of visits If meeting goals: Every 4–6 months
If not meeting goals: Every 3 months or as indicated
Fasting or random blood sugar Every diabetic visit
Weight/Height (BMI) Every visit
Cardiovascular assessment BP every visit
EKG/CXR: Baseline PRN
ASA therapy for patients >40 years old
K+ level: Once or if indicated
Feet examination Foot exam without shoes/socks: Every visit
Lower extremity sensory exam: Perform a comprehensive vascular, neurologic, musculoskeletal, skin and soft tissue exam at least once a year (See Diabetes Foot Screening Form)
Eye examination Dilated eye examination yearly (Type 2)
Dilated eye examination 3–5 years (Type 1)
Lipid profile Initial diagnosis: Total cholesterol and triglycerides
  • If total cholesterol >200mg/dl: Lipid counseling

  • If total cholesterol >240mg/dl: Check HDL and LDL, start statins

If meeting goals: Annual or as indicated
If not meeting goals: Every 3–4 months or as indicated
Hemoglobin A1c Every 3–6 months
Creatinine Annual or every 3–6 months if abnormal
UA for Microalbumin Annual: If >30mg, start ACE inhibitor
Flu vaccine Annual
Pneumovax Once
Tetanus toxoid Every 10 years
Nutritional therapy 2 or more per year
Health Education/Self-Management Training SBGM: Blood glucose monitoring should be encouraged in all patients to help reachand maintain treatment goals
  • Education visits: 1 or more per year

  • Educational needs should be assessed at time of diagnosis and when there is poor clinical control or a major change in therapy

  • Self-management education needs and plans should be documented in the medical record and acknowledged by all providers

Oral/Dental screening Annual
Smoking cigarettes Advise to quit smoking: Every visit
Other metabolic conditions Uric acid: Annual
CBC: Once or as indicated

Data source: Personal communication, Dr. R. Maddison (October 21, 2010)