Figure 3.
FluroJade C positive labeled in the (A) cortex and (B) CA1 region, in control group, 1, 4 and 14 days following hypotension. FluroJade C positive labeled was statistically significantly higher in the CA1 region of rats one day after hypotension as compared to control rats *p < 0.05. The fire shows the results from staining the brains with Fluoro Jade C. Panea A shows cell counting in frontal cortex. There is no significant difference in the number of Fluoro Jade C positive cells. This suggest that the cortex is not affected by the insult. Panel B shows cell counting in the CA1 area of the hyppocampus. The number of fluoro jade C positive cells increase significantly *(p < 0.05) one day after the injury in comparison with normal animals. This increase is not present at day 4 or 14th after the insult. This increase represents cell damage, by day 4 or 14th the cells have decided their fate and have survive of died. In either case they are not fluorescent anymore.