Regulation of core gene-expression modules by memory precursor cells. (a) Flow cytometry of CD8+ T cells from Id2-deficient mice (Id2-KO) and Id2-wild-type mice (Id2-WT) and Id3hi and Id3lo CD8+ T cells, on day 6 of infection with VSV-OVA. Numbers in quadrants indicate percent cells in each. (b) Heat map of the frequency of enrichment of clusters (Fig. 1c) in wild-type and Id2-deficient samples collected on day 6 of infection with Lm-OVA and Id3hi and Id3lo samples collected on day 5 of infection with VSV-OVA (both pre-peak time points) for the following comparisons: Id2-deficient versus wild-type cells (both KLRG1loIL-7Rhi; top), KLRG1loIL-7Rhi cells versus KLRG1hiIL-7Rlo cells (both wild-type; middle), or Id3hi versus Id3lo cells (both CD44+KLRG1loIL-7Rlo; bottom). Numbers in map indicate proportion of cells with enrichment for that comparison; a frequency of 1.0 (red) indicates memory potential, and a frequency of 0.0 (blue) indicates effector potential. *P < 0.05 (χ2 test). (c) ‘Volcano plots’ of the comparison of Id2-deficient KLRG1lo cells versus wild-type KLRG1lo cells (top), wild-type KLRG1lo cells versus wildtype KLRG1hi cells (middle), and Id3hi cells versus Id3lo cells (bottom), showing cluster-specific genes for each comparison. Numbers in bottom right and left corners indicate the number of genes in that region. Data are representative of three independent experiments with three mice per genotype (a) or three experiments with three independent samples from pooled spleens (b,c; n ≥ 3 per sample).