Selection for carotenoid biosynthetic pathway genes in Yellow fleshed market class potato lines. SNPs located within carotenoid biosynthetic pathway genes were tested for significant differences in allele or genotype composition compared to that observed in all other cultivated potato lines, and only SNPs that had a P < 0.05 for either genotype or allele frequencies are shown. In some cases, a SNP was only significant at either the genotype or allele level. Orange bars indicate percent of the Yellow lines with a given genotype, and aqua bars indicate percent of all other cultivated tetraploid potato lines. Blue and red bars indicate the percent of A and B alleles, respectively. PDS, phytoene dehydrogenase; ZDS, zeta-carotene desaturase; LCY-e, lycopene epsilon cyclase; LCY-b, lycopene beta cyclase; CHY1, beta-carotene hydroxylase 1.