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. 2013 May 13;13(5):6254–6271. doi: 10.3390/s130506254

Table 1.

Experimental site and treatment description for the trials conducted during 2007–2009, to analyse selectivity and yield response to harrowing. Different tine angles, driving speeds and number of passes constituted the harrowing intensities, which were applied all at differing crop growth stages. Experiments were placed at various location with differing soil types and weed populations.

Experiment (Year) Crop (BBCH-Code) Location (Soil Type) Dominant Weeds Harrowing Intensity Source
Tine Angle Speed (km h−1) Passes
1 winter barley Heidfeldhof Lamium purpureum L., lightest 10 1 Rueda-Ayala and Gerhards [15]
(12, 24) (silty loam) Galium aparine L., light 10 1
Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., strong 12 2
Matricaria inodora L. strongest 12 2

2 spring barley Meiereihof Lamium purpureum L., lightest 8 1–3 Rueda-Ayala and Gerhards [15]
(13, 21, 24) (silty loam) Polygonum convolvulus L., light, 8 1–3
Amaranthus retroflexus L., strong 12 1–3
Chenopodium album L.

3 winter wheat Heidfeldhof Matricaria inodora L., strongest 12 1–4 Rueda-Ayala et al. [16]
(12, 15, 21) (silty loam) Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.,
Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.,
Galium aparine L.

4 winter wheat Ihinger Hof nwc light 8 1–4 Rueda-Ayala et al. [16]
(20) (loam)
(22, 24) 10 1–4

5 spring barley Heidfeldhof Lamium purpureum L., lightest 8 1 Meiser [18]
(14) (silty loam) Galium aparine L., light 8 1
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., strong 8 2
Avena fatua L. strongest 8 2

6 spring wheat Meiereihof Chenopodium album L., light 8 1–3 Meiser [18]
(12, 15) (sandy loam) Veronica hederifolia L.,
Galium aparine L., strong 10 1–3
Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.,
Avena fatua L.

nwc: no weed competition due to absence of weed emergence.