Figure 2.
DNA sequence of region between base pairs-159 to +41 (promoter core region and the about 90 base pairs region directly upstream of the promoter core region, the transcriptional start site is set as +1) of the wild-type P AOX1 promoter and variants LC-1, LC-2, and LU-1 to LU-6. Mutations are shown in bold and underlined. Deletion mutations are indicated by short horizontal lines. The transcriptional start site (A) and the putative TATA-box (TATATAAA) are written in upper case and highlighted in grey. Mutations leading to restriction-enzyme-site insertions or deletions without affecting the promoter activity are written in grey. The KpnI (GGTACC), EcoRI (GAATTC), and NheI (GCTAGC) restriction enzyme sites are written in upper case and underlined. The relative Zeocin tolerance levels of the promoter variants compared to the wild-type promoter under repressed (wild-typeR) and induced (wild-typeI) growth conditions are shown.