Overexpression of A1ΔC but not full length A1 prevents TNF-induced ICAM-1 upregulation in HUVEC and HDMEC. (A) FACS analysis of ICAM-1 surface expression, rAd.A1, rAd.A1ΔC, or rAd.βgal-transduced HUVEC, and HDMEC 16 h following treatment with TNF (200 U/ml). Our results demonstrate that overexpression of A1 does not affect TNF-induced upregulation of ICAM-1 in all EC tested. However, overexpression of A1ΔC significantly inhibits TNF-induced ICAM-1 upregulation in HDMEC and HUVEC. Histograms shown are representative of 3 different experiments. Gray shaded areas represent baseline ICAM-1 expression in non-stimulated (NS) EC, while empty black-lined areas indicate the shift in ICAM-1 surface expression following TNF stimulation. (B) Bar charts depicting fold increase of median fluorescence intensity SEM ± of 3 experiments performed. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 indicate significance among different rAd. treatment groups, whereas # p 0.001 indicate significance between NS and TNF-treated cells within the same experimental group.