Pharmacologically isolated AMPA and NMDA EPSCs in IL neurons also show that fear extinction induces an increase in the AMPA to NMDA ratio and AMPAR rectification index. A, Behavior of rats used to measure pharmacologically isolated AMPA and NMDA EPSCs. B, Examples of EPSCs recorded at +60 mV before (brown) and after (green) blocking NMDARs with AP-5 (100 μm). After blocking NMDAR with AP-5, the number of NMDA EPSCs was calculated by subtracting the AMPA component from the composite EPSCs. Two vertical lines indicate when NMDA EPSCs were measured in Figure 1. Note that at this point the majority of the EPSCs were mediated by NMDARs. C, Examples traces of isolated AMPA and NMDA EPSCs in each group. D, AMPA to NMDA ratio of Ext (n = 17) and Cond (n = 14) groups. E, Example traces of isolated AMPA EPSCs recorded at −60 mV and +60 mV. F, Average AMPAR rectification index of isolated AMPA EPSCs in the Ext (n = 17) and Cond (n = 16) groups.