Figure 3. Improved exercise capacity, muscle specific force, and increased calstabin1 in the RyR1 complex following S107 treatment of aged mice.
(A) Daily voluntary running distance in aged mice ± S107 treatment (mean, ± SEM, n = 13 aged + S107, n = 14 aged, * P < 0.05, ANOVA). The arrow indicates start of the S107 treatment. (B) Histogram showing the distribution of the number of 5-minute episodes in which the mice ran at a given speed. The insert shows the tail of the histogram at expanded time scale. Note the increased number of high-speed episodes in S107 treated mice compared to control. (C and D) 70 Hz tetanic contractions in isolated EDL muscles from aged and S107 treated aged mice. (E) Average specific force in EDL muscles from the same mice as in A (mean ±SEM, n = 6 young, 7 aged, * P < 0.05, *** P < 0.001). (F) Immunoblot of immunoprecipitated RyR1 from aged murine skeletal muscle (aged EDL muscles taken from the mice in A and E). (G) Quantification of the immunoblot in F. S107 reduced depletion of calstabin1 from the RyR1 complex in skeletal muscle from aged mice (mean, ±SEM, n=3, ** P < 0.01, compared to young). See also Figure S1 and S2.