Figure 1.
The structure of Salmonella enterica MTAN (SeMTAN). (A) Quaternary structure of SeMTAN homodimer. The structure is drawn as ribbons, and monomer-A and B are colored in red and blue, respectively. The region between β6 and β7 strands of monomer-B extends to the side of monomer-A (and vice versa) where it forms a part of substrate binding pocket of the neighboring monomer. The black line represents a hydrogen bond not found in E. coli MTAN (see the Discussion). (B) Surface exit of the binding pocket. The monomer-A is shown as a surface representation. The accessible surface area was obtained using the probe radius of 1.4 Å in PyMOL. The arrow points to the exit of the substrate binding pocket. In panels A and B, the transition state analogue, BuT-DADMe-ImmA is bound in the active site of both monomers. The figure was prepared with PyMOL.