Fig. 4.
Secretory and vacuolar pathways are impaired in ap1m2-1. Transient-trafficking assays of vacuolar (A) or secretory (B) cargo proteins. Protoplasts isolated from nontransformed (Non), ap1m2-1, and two independent rescued plants (CsVMV::AP1M2:myc in ap1m2-1) were transformed with AALP:GFP or AtβFructosidase4:GFP (AtβFruc4:GFP). At 24 h after transformation, total protein extracts from protoplasts were subjected to immunoblot analysis with an anti-GFP antibody. Asterisk, full-length AALP:GFP; double closed triangles, processed bands of AALP:GFP; double asterisk, full-length AtβFruc4:GFP; closed triangle, processed band of AtβFruc4:GFP. (B) Invertase:GFP (Inv:GFP) was transformed into protoplasts prepared from the indicated plants. At 24 h after transformation, total protein that had been extracted from protoplasts (C) and medium (M) was subjected to immunoblot analysis with an anti-GFP antibody. ER-localized binding protein (BiP) was used as control for nonspecific leaking of cellular proteins.