Figure 3. PPARγ S82A and S82D mutations do not affect SUMOylation.
The indicated PPARγ K33R, K77R, S82A, S82D, K33R/S82A, K33R/S82D, K77R/S82A and K77R/S82D mutants were transfected in HEK293 cells and analyzed for SUMO modification in the absence and presence of ligands as outlined in the legend to Figure 1. (A) The phosphorylation blocking S82A and the phosphorylation mimicking S82D mutations did not significantly affect SUMOylation of PPARγ at K33 and K77. (B) PPARγ S82A and S82D mutations did not affect rosiglitazone-induced reduction of PPARγ SUMOylation at K33.