STAT1 in both NK and accessory cells is required for NK cell activation in vitro. WT or STAT1−/− CD49b+CD3e− NK cells were co -cultured with WT or STAT1−/− CD11c+DCs and VV or left uninfected (Ctrl). 24 hr after infection, NK cells were assayed for IFN-γ and Granzyme B (GRB) production. (A) FACS plots of intracellular Granzyme B production by NK cells are shown with the percentage of Granzyme B positive cells among CD49b+CD3− NK cells indicated. Data shown is representative of three independent experiments. (B &C) The mean percentage ± SD of Granzyme B (B) or IFN-γ (C) positive cells among CD49b+CD3− NK cells are provided. * = p <0.05 compared to WT VV.