Fig 7. Axonal injury following cFPI preferentially occurs in the axon initial segment.
Following quantitative analysis, the majority of YFP+ axonal swellings were found to occur within the AIS (p). At 15m YFP+ swellings were predominantly localized at the end of the AIS, proximal to the para-AIS (d–f), though several swellings were found to occur within the AIS (a–c). At later time points and following disconnection, swellings were observed within the AIS (white arrowheads, j–1), injured YFP+ axons were often found to have retained Caspr immunoreactivity within the distal region of the swelling (j–o) or this Caspr+ axoglial interaction was clearly visible within the distal, disconnected YFP axonal segment (G–I). Scale: 10 µm