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. 2013 Jun 25;3:2066. doi: 10.1038/srep02066

Table 4. Success after artificial insemination.

Species No. eggs after AI Fertile eggs Fertility rate (%) Genetic tests
Cacatua haematuropygia 2 2 100 1 juvenile result of AI
Calyptorhynchus funereus latirostris 2 2 100 Semen of own partner was used - no test
Ara chloroptera 2 1 50 Two females were partners – no test necessary
Amazona pretrei 6 2 33.3 No result: partner male and semen donor brothers
Amazona xantholora 3 3 100 No result: Semen donor son of inseminated mother
Amazona finschii 3 1 33.3 No result: partner male and semen donor brothers
Amazona guildingii 2 0 0  
Amazona viridigenalis 1 1 100 Not possible due to very early embryonic death
Tanygnathus lucionensis 3 2 66.3 No test, eggs were eaten by parents
Eclectus roratus polychlorus 7 6 85.7 Juveniles result of AI
Pionopsitta pileata 5 5 100 One egg eaten, partner male is the father of all juveniles
total 36 25 69.4  

AI = Artificial insemination.