Fig. 4.
Reaction of MAb 23C8 (A) and MAb 16F4 (B) against H. pylori strain 26695 whole bacteria in immunoblotting. Approximately 107 bacteria undiluted (lane 1), diluted 1/4 (lane 2) or 1/16 (lane 3) were mixed 1/1 with sample buffer and loaded on criterion gel. Undiluted (lane 4) or 1/4 diluted (lane 5) E. coli suspension was used as control. Purified recombinant NAP-26695 (40 ng/lane) was used as positive control for the reaction (lane 6). Positions of the MW standards are indicated by arrows. In contrast to MAb 23C8 directed against NAP-97–119 peptide, broadly reactive MAb 16F4 reacted with the H. pylori strain 26695 in IFT (C). Incubation with streptavidin-DyLight594 conjugated alone was used as control. IFT analysis was performed using a 100× oil-immersion objective on Axiovert 200M fluorescent microscope. The scale bar indicates 10 μm length.