(A) HC-NPs affected morphological changes of E-RAW264.7 cells; PBS, NPs, HC-NPs represented cells were treated with PBS, NPs, 180µM HC-NPs for 12 hours respectively (Wrights staining, Magnification×100.0). (B) MTT demonstrated HC-NPs inhibited growth of E-RAW264.7 cells in a manner of time-concentration-dependence, after treated 6h, 12h, 24 h. (C) Decreased p-STAT3, MMP-2, MMP-9 and VEGF protein expression of E-RAW264.7 cells after treated with HC-NPs. PBS, NPs, HC-NPs represented cells were treated with PBS, NPs, 180µM HC-NPs for 12 h respectively. (D) FACS demonstrated downregulation of M2macrophages intracellular markers in RAW264.7 after treated with HC-NPs, NPs.