Flow cytometry assays to measure rabbit antibody binding to HSV-1-infected cells and blocking of biotin-labeled nonimmune human IgG binding to the FcγR. (A and B) Binding of rabbit anti-gC, anti-gD, anti-gE, or nonimmune IgG at 20 μg and 2 μg. (C and D) Blocking of biotin-labeled nonimmune human IgG binding to the HSV-1 FcγR by anti-gC, anti-gD, anti-gE, or nonimmune IgG at 20 μg and 2 μg. Antibody to gE24-409 was used as the anti-gE IgG. The no-blocking curve refers to binding of biotin-labeled nonimmune human IgG in the absence of blocking antibody. Control, unstained cells. The table displays the results shown in panel C and D as percent blocking.