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. 2013 May;36(3):249–261. doi: 10.1016/j.cimid.2012.10.008

Table 1.

Examples of recent emergence or re-emergence of canine rabies, documenting what is known or estimated about the site and date of incursion, how long it took to implement a response and what type of intervention was implemented. d = days, w = weeks, m = months, y = years and NA refers to unknown information.

Location of outbreak Epidemiological history prior to outbreak Estimated date of incursion Date of detection (time between incursion and detection) Suspected source of incursion Site of incursion Response and date (time between detection and response) Outcome Time between sampling and FAT results Sources
Central Java, Indonesia No detected cases for at least 10 y Aug–Sep 1985 Sep 1985 Dog/s transported from neighbouring endemic West Java Wonogiri district, South East of Central Java Mass vaccination, culling and movement control of dogs, cats and monkeys began ∼Nov/Dec 1985 (2–3 m) Outbreak controlled, but few cases reported >1 y later NA Waltner-Toews et al. [24]
Terengganu, East Malaysia Rabies eliminated in 1950s NA Dec 1995 Dog on fishing boat Coastal villages NA NA NA Loke et al. [34]
Flores, East Nusa Tengarra, Indonesia Naive group of islands Sep 1997 Nov 1997 (2 m) 3 dogs on fishing boat from Butung (Buton) Island, Sulawesi Larantuka, town on eastern tip Culling began early 1998 (<4 m); vaccination began 2001 (>3 y) Endemic >14 d for dogs Bingham [35];
Windiyaningsih et al. [11];
Scott-Orr et al. [36]
Maluku Islands, Indonesia NA NA Aug 2003 Dogs imported for meat trade from other Indonesian islands; Sulawesi (A.A.G. Putra pers. comm.) NA NA Endemic NA ProMED-mail [20]
3 neighbouring districts in Eastern Bhutan Rabies eliminated in early 1990s May 2005 May 2005 (<1 m) Neighbouring endemic India Gongza village, Toetsho sub district, Tanshiyangtse district Vaccination began 2005 (<6 m); impounding began Mar 2006 (10 m); no culling as Bhuddist; no mass vaccination Controlled by Nov 07 NA Tenzin et al. [27]
Limpopo province, South Africa No detected cases since 1981 but region endemic
Aug 05 earliest human case Feb 06 (>6 m) Southern Zimbabwe or Mozambique Vhembe district, bordering southern Zimbabwe Central point vaccination intensified in Feb 06 (<1 m). Infrastructure already in place, ∼40% coverage in preceding years NA NA Cohen et al. [37]
Bhutan-Chhukha district Rabies eliminated in early 1990s Late 2007 Jan 2008 (1–3 m) Neighbouring endemic India Southern villages of Dala subdistrict Culling began Mar 2008 (6 w); no mass vaccination Controlled by Jul 2008 NA Tenzin et al. [10]
Bali, Indonesia Naive island Apr 2008 Nov 2008 (7 m) Dog on fishing boat from Sulawesi (N. Dibia, pers. comm.) Ungasan village, Badung regency, southern peninsula Localised control began Dec 08 (1 m); island-wide vaccination began Oct 2010 (2 y) Continuing island-wide vaccination with considerable reduction in incidence 3 d for dogs (A.A.G. Putra pers. comm.) Knobel and Hiby [38];
Putra et al. [39];
Susilawathi et al. [9]
Nias, Indonesia Naive island Medic official bitten Dec 2009 Medic official diagnosed with rabies Mar 2010 (>3 m) NA NA Emergency dog vaccination and culling began Mar 2010 (<1 m); intermittent control measures to date but funds obtained and capacity being mobilized; planned mass vaccination in mid 2012 (2.5 y) Endemic NA;
Summary Island and continental settings including areas where previously eliminated and without a rabies history Time to detection <1–7 m Human mediated transport by boat, possibly by vehicle on land, and perhaps local dog movement in Bhutan Nearby islands or from neighbouring provinces/countries Initial response <1–6 m; time to mass vaccination <1 m to 3 y (or still awaiting) Variable: a few outbreaks controlled or eliminated, while others became endemic 3–14 d (very limited data)