Figure 2.
Mitochondrial alterations found in AD. Scheme of the effect of amyloid-β (Aβ) and phosphorylated-Tau (pTau) over mitochondrial dynamics, transport, protein import, membrane permeabilization, and apoptosis as well as actin dynamics. Alterations of the levels of involved proteins found in AD brains are also summarized. DLP1: dynamin-like protein 1, MFF: mitochondrial fission factor, FIS: fission 1, MIEF: mitochondrial elongation factor, MFN1: mitofusin 1, MFN2: mitofusin 2, OPA1: optic atrophy 1, PHB1: prohibitin 1, ABAD: Aβ-binding alcohol dehydrogenase, Prep: presequence protease, VDAC: voltage-dependent anion channel, ANT: adenine nucleotide translocase, CypD: cyclophilin D, Cyt C: cytochrome c, COX: cytochrome c oxidase, Ψm: mitochondrial membrane potential, and mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA.