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. 2013 Jan 15;42(3):385–390. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afs175

Table 1.

Population characteristics (n = 1,862)

Parameter Overall, n = 1862 [n (%)] OR [mean (SD)] sTNFR1 Q1 [n (%)] OR [mean (SD)] sTNFR1 Q2 [n (%)] OR [mean (SD)] sTNFR1 Q3 [n (%)] OR [mean (SD)] sTNFR1 Q4 [n (%)] OR [mean (SD)] K–W or X2 (P-value)
A. Baseline descriptive statistics (overall and sTNFR1 quartiles)
Demographics Age, mean, SD, y 69 (10.2) 66.8 (10) 67.2 (9.6) 68.9 (9.4) 73.2 (10.6) <0.001
 Male 633 (34.0) 170 (36.5) 165 (35.3) 143 (30.8) 155 (33.4) 0.21
 Non-Hispanic White 353 (19.0) 79 (22.4) 71 (20.1) 90 (25.5) 113 (32.0) <0.01
 Non-Hispanic Black 426 (23.6) 133 (31.2) 101 (23.7) 93 (21.8) 99 (23.2)
 Hispanic 1029 (56.9%) 244 (53.5%) 279 (61.9%) 269 (59.5%) 237 (52.8%)
Education level
>High school 816 (43.9) 232 (28.4) 199 (24.4) 197 (24.1) 188 (23.0) 0.03
Insurance status
 No insurance/medicaid 872 (47.1) 203 (23.3) 213 (24.4) 231 (26.5) 225 (25.8) 0.22
 Private insurance/medicare 978 (52.9) 262 (26.8) 249 (25.5) 232 (23.7) 235 (24)
Behavioural risk factors Smoking status
 Non-smoker 896 (48.2) 225 (25.1) 231 (25.8) 213 (23.8) 227 (25.3) 0.95
 Past smoker 646 (34.7) 159 (24.6) 159 (24.6) 170 (26.3) 158 (24.5)
 Current smoker 318 (17.1) 82 (25.8) 77 (24.2) 81 (25.5) 78 (24.5)
Moderate alcohol consumption
 Yes 605 (32.6) 166 (27.4) 173 (28.6) 155 (25.6) 111 (18.4) <0.001
Physical activity
 Moderate or heavy 145 (7.8) 55 (37.9) 37 (25.5) 27 (18.6) 26 (17.9) <0.01
Waist, inches, mean, SD 36.6 (4.9) 35.7 (4.8) 36.2 (4.3) 36.8 (4.7) 37.7 (5.3) <0.001
Clinical risk factors Hx coronary artery disease 409 (22) 78 (19.1) 92 (22.5) 102 (24.9) 137 (33.5) <0.001
Diabetes mellitus 400 (21.5) 92 (23) 79 (19.8) 93 (23.3) 136 (34) <0.001
Cholesterol Rx 264 (14.2) 43 (16.3) 58 (22.0) 75 (28.4) 88 (33.3) <0.01
HDL, mg/dl, mean, SD 46.9 (14.5) 48.9 (15.3) 47.5 (14.3) 46.6 (14.3) 44.6 (13.6) <0.001
LDL, mg/dl, mean, SD 129.5 (36.3) 131.7 (37.8) 132.9 (35.1) 130.9 (37.0) 122.7 (34.4) <0.001
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg mean + SD 143.7 (21.1) 142.9 (20.7) 141.2 (20.6) 143.5 (20.5) 147.3 (22.3) <0.001
hsCRP, mg/l, mean, SD 5.5 (9.3) 3.6 (4.4) 4.0 (5.1) 5.3 (8.1) 9.0 (14.7) <0.001
Model parameters sTNFR1, ng/ml, mean, SD 2.57 (1.7) Q1 < 1.75 1.75 < Q2 < 2.28 2.28 < Q3 < 2.97 Q4 > 2.97
 All-cause deaths 512 (27.5) 98 (21.0) 96 (20.6) 100 (21.5) 218 (47.0) <0.001
 Non-vascular deaths 267 (14.3) 41 (15.4) 47 (17.6) 57 (21.4) 122 (45.7) <0.001
 Vascular deaths 207 (11) 48 (23.2) 41 (19.8) 34 (16) 84 (40.6) <0.001
Time to all-cause mortality, mean, SD, years 8.4 (2.5) 9.0 (2.0) 8.7 (2.2) 8.6 (2.3) 7.1 (3.1) <0.001
B. Covariates: acronyms, measurements, categorisation for modelling
# Parameter Measurement Categorisation
1,2 Age; sex Self-report during standardised interview Continuous; male, female (ref)
3 Race/ethnicity Self-report during standardised interview Hispanic, Black, White(REF)
4 Education level Self-report during standardised interview >High school, <High school (ref)
5 Insurance status Self-report during standardised interview No insurance or medicaid, private insurance or medicare (ref)
6 Smoking status Self-report during standardised interview Current smokers, past smokers, never smokers (ref)
7 Alcohol consumption National Cancer Institute Food Frequency Questionnaire Moderate use ( >1 drink/month and <2 drinks daily), all others (ref).
8 Physical activity National Health Interview Survey Moderate to heavy activity, no activity to low activity (ref)
9 Waist size Measured by trained study researcher Continuous
10 Hx coronary artery disease Self-report or provider Dx History of coronary artery diease, no history (ref)
11 Diabetes mellitus Fasting glucose >126 mg/dl, self-report or hypoglycaemic drug Diabetes mellitus, no diabetes mellitus (ref)
12 Cholesterol Rx Self-report during standardised interview Any cholesterol medications at baseline, no cholesterol medications (ref)
13,14 HDL, LDL Fasting lipid panels, Hitachi 705 spectrometer (Boehringer) | Continuous
15 Systolic blood pressure Mean of 2× calibrated aneroid sphygmomanometer measures Continuous
16 hsCRP BNII nephelometric assay system (Dade-Behring, Deerfield, IL, USA) >3 mg/l, <3 mg/l (ref)

Q, quartile; SD, standard deviation; K–W, Kurts–Wallace test; X2, Chi-squared test; y, years.