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. 2013 Jun 6;108(11):2205–2240. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.177

Table A3. Overview of the characteristics of the case–control studies considered and their methods for correcting for self-selection bias.

Study/reference year Age group studied Controls Self-selection adjustment Unadjusted odds ratio of breast cancer mortality in women attending screening vs those who did not (95% CI) age groups not reported where combined figure available Adjusted odds ratio of breast cancer mortality in women attending screening vs those that did not (95% CI)
Gullberg et al, 1991
Not reported
Matched by age
Adjustment considered but not made
0.42 (0.22–0.78)
Palli et al, 1989
40–69 at diagnosis
5 Matched by year of birth and residence
Adjustment has been attempted using proxy variables
Age 40–49: 0.63 (0.24–1.64) Age 50–69: 0.51 (0.29–0.89)
Age 40–49: 1.46 (0.36–5.93) Age 50–69: 0.35 (0.14–0.85)a
Puliti et al, 2008
Residents aged 50–74
4 Matched by date of birth and residence
Adjustment using women in areas where the breast screening was not underway.
0.46 (0.38–0.56)
0.55 (0.36–0.85)b
Collette et al, 1984
50–64 at study entry
3 Matched by year of birth and residence
Adjustment considered but not made
0.30 (0.13–0.70)
Miltenburg et al, 1998
50–69 at first invitation
3 Matched by year of birth, invitation and residence
Adjustment considered but not made
0.54 (0.37–0.79)
Verbeek et al, 1984
35–65 at first invitation
5 Matched by year of birth
Adjustment considered but not made
0.48 (0.23–1.00)
Verbeek et al, 1985
35–65 at first invitation
5 Matched by year of birth
Adjustment considered but not made
0.51 (0.26–0.99)
Van Dijck et al, 1996
65–92 at last invitation
5 Matched by age and invitation
Adjustment considered but not made
0.56 (0.28–1.13)
Broeders et al, 2002
35+ at first invitation
5 Matched by age, invitation and residence
Adjustment considered but not made
Age 40–49: 0.84 (0.30–2.29) Age 50–59: 0.65 (0.30–1.42) Age 60–69: 0.65 (0.31–1.28) Age 70–79: 0.70 (0.32–1.54)
Van Schoor et al, 2010
40–69 at invitation
Age 40–49: 0.50 (0.30–0.82) Age 50–59: 0.54 (0.35–0.85) Age 60–69: 0.65 (0.38–1.13)
Van Schoor et al, 2011
50–69 at invitation
5 Matched by residence
Adjustment using the Duffy method

0.65 (0.49–0.87)
Paap et al, 2010
50–75 at invitation
1 Matched by year of birth and residence
Adjustment using the Duffy method
0.30 (0.14–0.63)
0.24 (0.10–0.58)b
Otto et al, 2012
49–75 at first invitation
1 Matched by invitation and year of birth
Adjustment using women in same area before breast screening.
0.45 (0.37–0.54)
0.51 (0.40–0.66)b
Friedman and Dubin, 1991
40–64 at entry
4 Matched by survival and year of birth
Adjustment considered but not made
0.75 (0.60–0.93)
Norman et al, 2007
40–64 at entry
Matched within original random control group
Adjustment considered but not made
Age 40–49: 0.89 (0.65–1.23) Age 50–64: 0.47 (0.35–0.63)
Elmore et al, 2005
40–65 at diagnosis
1 Matched by age, risk and health plan
Adjustment considered but not made
0.92 (0.79–1.08)c
0.92 (0.79–1.08)c
Moss et al, 1992
45–64 at entry
5 Matched on age at entry to trial and residence
Adjustment considered but not made
0.51 (0.27–0.98)d
Fielder et al, 2004
50–74 at diagnosis
5 Matched on year of birth and GP Practise
Adjustment using the Duffy method
0.49 (0.36–0.66)
0.75 (0.49–1.14)b
Allgood et al, 2008
50–70 at diagnosis
2 Matched on year of birth
Adjustment using the Duffy method
0.35 (0.24–0.50)
0.52 (0.32–0.84)b
Roder et al, 2008
45–80 at death of cases
3 Matched on date of birth
Adjustment has been attempted using socio-economic status
0.59 (0.47–0.74)
Gabe et al, 2007 ⩾40 at death 3/4 Matched by date of birth and residence Adjustment using the Duffy method 0.59 (0.41–0.84) 0.65 (0.39–1.09)b

Abbreviations: CI=confidence interval; IMPACT, DOM, CARE=Women's Contraceptive and Reproductive Experiences Study; HIP=health insurance plan; OR=odds ratio; TEDBC=trial of early detection of breast cancer.

Odds ratios for age groups have been presented where an overall odds ratio is not available.

aAt least 2 examinations and last screen <30 months.bCorrected for self-selection bias. cCombined risk groups, screening by mammogram. dOutcome of the analysis conducted solely in the screening district.