Figure 1.
MMTV-Pax8PPARγ mice exhibit an increase in mammary stem and progenitor cell markers. A, FACS analysis of primary mammary cell cultures. Cells from MMTV-Pax8PPARγ mice (Pax8PPARγ) express an increased percentage of CD29hi/CD24 cells vs. wild type (WT) mice. B, MMTV-Pax8PPARγ mice (Pax8PPARγ) express a greater percentage of CK5+ cells (arrows) than wild-type mice (WT); magnification 400X. C, MMTV-Pax8PPARγ mice express a greater percentage of double positive CK14/CK18 cells (arrows) vs. wild-type mice (WT); magnification 400X.