TEM images of LYVE-1-PEG-USPIO (A and C) and PEG-USPIO (B and D) labeled MLECs (A and B) and colon 26 cells (C and D) at the concentration of 100 μg Fe/mL, and TEM images of LYVE-1-PEG-USPIO nanoparticles (E) and PEG-USPIO nanoparticles (F) in PBS (accelerated voltage, 80 kv).
Notes: Bar = 1 μm. N = nucleus. (A) The LYVE-1-PEG-USPIO nanoparticles were mainly located in the cytoplasm endosomes (thin arrows), and a few nanoparticles were attached to the cell membrane. (B) The PEG-USPIO nanoparticles were mainly attached to the MLEC membrane. (C) The LYVE-1-PEG-USPIO nanoparticles were mainly attached to the cell membrane. (D) The PEG-USPIO nanoparticles were mainly attached to the cell membrane. (E) The LYVE-1-PEG-USPIO nanoparticles in PBS. (F) The PEG-USPIO nanoparticles in PBS.
Abbreviations: LYVE-1-PEG-USPIO, lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor-1 binding polyethylene glycol-coated ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide; MLECs, mouse lymphatic endothelial cells; PBS, phosphate-buffered solution; PEG-USPIO, polyethylene glycol-coated ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide; TEM, transmission electron microscopy.