Flow cytometry analysis of the indirect blood samples including OVCAR-3 cells after incubation with MUC1-MNP-SiO2(RITC).
Notes: (A) Unspiked blood samples. (B) Positive control (5000 OVCAR-3 cells). (C) Indirect blood samples with 100 OVCAR-3 cells. (D) Indirect blood samples with 1000 OVCAR-3 cells. (E) Indirect blood samples with 10,000 OVCAR-3 cells. Numbers of positive cells are shown in parentheses and indicated by red dots.
Abbreviations: OVCAR-3, human ovarian cancer cell line; MUC1, mucin 1 cell surface-associated antibody; P1, population 1; MNP-SiO2(RITC), magnetic nanoparticle-SiO2(rhodamine B isothiocyanate); SSC-A, side scatter area; PE-A, phycoerythrin area.