Effect of IONP implantation and MF exposure on mean (± SD) BBB score (A) and mean (± SD) time of stay on the moving Rotarod (B). Significant recovery was observed in both these tests after IONP implantation and MF exposure starting from week 1 which continued throughout the observation period. Mean (± SD) hind paw withdrawal latency (C) and urinary bladder function (D) were also significantly better in the NP + MF group.
Notes: Statistical significance (P < 0.05) is shown by aSCI versus MF, NP, NP + MF groups; bNP versus MF/NP + MF groups; cMF versus NP + MF group.
Abbreviations: BBB, Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan locomotor rating; IONPs, iron oxide nanoparticles; SD, standard deviation; SCI, spinal cord injury group; MF, SCI + magnetic field group; NP, SCI + IONP implantation group; NP + MF, SCI + IONP implantation + magnetic field group.