Table 1.
Number of offspring sired by male house mice
Fixed effects | Coefficient (SE) | z-value | P-value | ΔAIC | Random effects | Variance (SD) |
Model for total number of offspring sired |
Intercept |
−26.14 (5.42) |
−4.83 |
<0.001 |
- |
Sibling group |
0.47 (0.69) |
Body mass |
4.52 (1.55) |
2.91 |
0.004 |
- |
Population |
0.37 (0.61) |
Testes mass |
19.43 (6.50) |
2.99 |
0.003 |
5.82 |
Seminal vesicles mass |
8.53 (3.35) |
2.54 |
0.011 |
3.71 |
Baculum shaft width | 32.24 (5.32) | 6.06 | <0.001 | 45.04 |
Generalized linear mixed model to investigate morphological traits influencing the reproductive success of male house mice, showing the best model for the total number of offspring sired. Data for morphological traits were log transformed prior to analysis. Body mass was retained in the model as a covariate. Population and sibling group were included as random effects (see text for further details). ΔAIC = the change in the AIC if the single term is dropped. Number of observations = 22, sibling groups = 11, populations = 4.