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. 2013 May 31;6:216. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-6-216

Table 1.

Terminology used in guidelines reviewed

Terminology Classification for this study
Mask; surgical mask; medical mask; procedure mask.
N95; N99; N100; FFP1; FFP2; FFP3; P1; P2; P3; particulate respirator.
Low risk situations described in influenza and SARS guidelines: Close contact within one meter of the patient, close contact within 2 meters of the patient; entering infectious patient’s room; clinical care; all patients contact; when infected patient used masks; routine care; in screening area; during patients transport; before and after patients contact and risk of splashes into face.
Low risk situations
Low risk situations described in TB guidelines: Low risk facilities including sputum microscopy centers; district and sub district level hospitals.
High risk situations described in influenza and SARS guidelines: Aerosol generating procedures (AGPs); procedures involving the respiratory tract; laboratory specimen collection from respiratory tract; if patients cough forcefully; if patients do not comply with respiratory hygiene; when patients may not be able to wear mask; mortuary and critical care areas.
High risk situations
High risk situations described in TB guidelines: Exposure to drugs resistant organism; culture/DST and other high risk procedures in laboratory, high risk areas; specialized treatment centers and emergency surgery of infectious cases.