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. 2013 Jun 27;7:316. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00316

Table 1.

Summarizes the mean value and the standard (italic values) deviation for the dependent variables: percent of correct responses (% CR) and mean of correct response time (mean RT, ms), according to the type of presentation and the visual hemi-field/the hemisphere of presentation.

(%) (%) (%) (ms) (ms) (ms)
UVF 66.09 50.93 58.51 714.04 755.77 734.91
2.41 2.18 16.23 20.05 26.35 22.42
BR 73.12 69.06 71.09 726.59 761.69 744.14
2.51 3.52 19.22 24.87 31.23 25.01
BNR_SR 63.30 51.28 57.29 739.99 810.04 775.02
3.31 3.57 22.89 27.72 32.74 27.68
BNR_SU 73.87 44.23 59.05 725.85 784.14 754.99
3.03 4.07 26.89 24.92 30.44 25.84
BNR 70.62 45 57.81 734.99 777.92 756.46
3.05 2.79 22.31 24.88 32.84 26.90
Total 69.40 52.10 728.29 777.91
2.09 2.04 19.70 24.39

Abbreviations: UVF, unilateral visual hemi-field; BR, bilateral redundant; BNR_SR, bilateral non-redundant semantic related; BNR_SU, bilateral non-redundant semantic unrelated; BNR, bilateral non-redundant; RVF, right visual hemi-field; LVF, left visual hemi-field; LH, left hemisphere; RH, right hemisphere.