Figure 2.
VEGF–Flk-1 signaling is necessary for fluoxetine (FLX) reversal of CUS-induced anhedonia. (a) CUS + FLX + DMSO rats display a significantly greater preference for a sucrose solution than CUS +SAL + DMSO and CUS+FLX+SU5416 rats (F(3, 24) = 5.72, P<0.01). There was no significant difference in sucrose consumption between CUS + FLX + SU5416 and CUS+SAL+DMSO rats (n = 6–9 per group). There was a significant interaction between treatment and infusion (F(1, 24) = 12.07, P = 0.002). (b) FLX had no effect on increased preference for sucrose solution in SU1498 infused CUS rats (F(3, 26) = 2.59), but did in those infused with DMSO (P<0.05) (n = 7–8 per group). The interaction between treatment and infusion was significant (F(1, 26) = 4.72, P <0.05). Results are expressed as mean±SEM percent sucrose relative to total fluid consumption. SAL, saline control. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 compared with CUS+SAL+DMSO; #P<0.05, ##P<0.01 compared with CUS + FLX+DMSO.