Organization of Ucn 3 projections to the VMH and LS. The magnitude of each pathway is roughly proportional to the thickness of the line representing it. Ucn 3 neurons in the PVHap/pBNST provide the major Ucn 3 afferent input to the VMH. Ucn 3 cells in the rPFH immediately caudal to the PVHap/pBNST Ucn 3 cell group project predominately to the LS. Ucn 3 cells in the MeA provide moderate afferent into the VMH. BNST: Bed nucleus of stria terminalis, f: Fornix, LS: Lateral septal nucleus, MeA: Medial amygdala, MePO: Median preoptic nucleus, PVHap: Anterior parvicellular part of the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, VMH: Ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus.