Figure 6.
Broad Adaptability and Versatility of the ETPamir Screen.
(A) Time-course ETPamir screens for optimal amiRNA silencing GFP (35S-driven) in Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts. The numerical order of each amiR-GFP was based on the high-to-low WMD ranking. Luciferase (LUC) expression served as an internal control. Ctrl, control.
(B) Preexpression of amiR-GFP-4 but not amiR-GFP-1 suppresses GFP expression. As shown by the flow diagram, expression of nuclear GFP (NLS-GFP) was induced by a 1-h heat shock pulse after 3 h of constitutive expression of amiR-GFPs in Arabidopsis protoplasts. Images of NLS-GFP with ∼300, 150, and 180 cells are shown from left to right.
(C) Rapid ETPamir screens in protoplasts from diverse plant species. Expression of GFP was induced by a 1-h heat shock pulse after 3 h of constitutive expression of amiR-GFPs. Heat shock–inducible LUC served as an internal control.
(D) Rapid ETPamir screens in rice protoplasts. Expression of GFP was induced by a 1-h heat shock pulse after 3 h of constitutive expression of amiR-GFPs. Unlike the amiR-GFPs in (A) to (C) that were derived from Arabidopsis miR319a (ath-miR319a), amiR-GFPs derived from rice miR528 (osa-miR528) were used.
(E) Sequence alignment between miR319a and putative target sites. Mismatches in miR319a or miR319a129 (nonfunctional variant) to individual predicted target sequences are highlighted in red.
(F) Validation of predicted target genes for miR319a using protein-based miRNA target screens. Expression of target candidates was induced by a 1-h heat shock pulse after 3 h of constitutive expression of miR319a or miR319a129. TCP20, as a known untargeted gene, was tested as a negative control to establish the physiological specificity of the screen. Heat shock–inducible GFP-HA served as an internal control.
All experiments were repeated at least three times with similar results.