Figure 2. This figure shows selected representative fluorescence microscopy images from HBoV DNA positive tumor samples and control cells.
a. Rows 1-3 show tissues stained with HBoV-specific probes and DAPI; rows 4-6 show positive and negative controls. LEH and REH correspond to the left end (5’-end) and the right end (3’-end) of the viral genome or the GAPDH gene. Human cells transfected with plasmids with or without human bocavirus genomes as well as mock transfected cells were used as controls. Row 7 shows HepG2 cells stained with probes specific for terminal sequences of the GAPDH gene. b. Enlargement of the merged image of HepG2 cell double stained with probes specific for the human GAPDH gene. This figure shows that the distance between the two different probes at the 5’-end and the 3’-end is large enough to result in separate signals (split signal). c. Merged images of HBoV DNA positive tissues, including a negative control tissue.