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. 2013 Jun 27;8(6):e67346. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067346

Table 5. Model statistics of Cox regression for all baseline scores (adjusted for age, gender, and education).

Continuous predictors Categorical predictors (median split)
Overall model Continuous values Overall model Values below vs. above median
χ2 p Hazard rate[CI] Wald statistics p χ2 p Hazard ratio [CI] Wald statistics p
BrainAGE score (+) 58.86 *** 1.10 45.05 *** 52.23 *** 3.41 37.03 ***
[1.07–1.13] [2.30–5.07]
MMSE score (-) 28.99 *** 0.81 16.01 *** 25.04 *** 2.02 12.55 ***
[0.73–0.90] [1.37–2.99]
CDR-SB score (+) 30.46 *** 1.15 19.41 *** 26.74 *** 1.97 13.89 ***
[1.26–1.82] [1.38–2.82]
ADAS score (+) 56.02 *** 1.11 40.48 *** 29.78 *** 2.12 16.84 ***
[1.07–1.14] [1.48–3.03]
Left hippocampus volume (-) 34.54 *** 1.00 21.82 *** 23.84 *** 1.91 11.34 **
[1.00–1.00] [1.31–2.78]
Right hippocampus volume (-) 31.65 *** 1.00 18.90 *** 18.56 ** 1.59 6.32 *
[1–00–1.00] [1.11–2.28]

(+) = higher values mean higher risk for AD; (-) = lower values mean higher risk for AD.






p<0.05; n.s. = not significant.

Bold type = best performance of all markers.