(A) WB analysis of hepatic fibrin production in uninfected and infected WT and Cyld−/− mice. GAPDH was used as loading control. (B) Quantification of fibrin (± SD) was performed from WB data of uninfected and Lm-infected WT and Cyld−/−, respectively, which were treated with warfarin as indicated. The results present 3 mice per experimental group. (C) The survival rate of uninfected and infected mice, which were treated with warfarin as indicated, was monitored until day 10 of infection (n = 10 per experimental group). Survival of infected Cyld−/−, uninfected Cyld−/− mice treated with warfarin, and WT mice treated with warfarin, respectively, was significantly increased as compared to infected WT mice without warfarin treatment (p<0.001 for all groups). (D) CFUs were determined in the liver of Lm-infected WT and Cyld−/− mice, which were treated with warfarin as indicated, at day 5 p.i. (* p<0.05, n = 5 per experimental group). Data show the mean ± SD. In (C) and (D) one of two representative experiments is shown.