Figure 6.
Analysis of the protozoan community associated with the sulfate-reducing phase of the 2011 field experiment. (a) Percentage breakdown of protozoan 18S rRNA gene sequences detected in clone libraries. (b) Percentage of Hexamitidae 18S and Peptococcaceae 16S rRNA gene sequences in clone libraries compared with sulfide concentrations. Peptococcaceae vs Hexamitidae rRNA sequences (r=0.64, P=0.02); Hexamitidae vs H2S concentrations (r=0.67, P=0.02). (c) Comparison of Hexamita β-tubulin (b2t) and Desulfosporosinus dsrA gene copies per μg total DNA (P=0.57, P=0.03). (d) The number of Desulfosporosinus dsrA and Hexamita β-tubulin mRNA transcripts normalized against the number of dsrA and β-tubulin gene copies (r=0.53, P=0.05).