Stage One
The aims are to engage the patient in treatment and change. |
Jointly creating a formulation of the processes maintaining the eating disorder
Establishing real-time monitoring of eating and other relevant thoughts and behavior
Providing education about body weight regulation and fluctuations, the physical complications and ineffectiveness of self-induced vomiting and laxative misuse as a means of weight control and the adverse effects of dieting
Introducing weekly weighing
Introducing a pattern of regular eating
Involving significant others to facilitate treatment if appropriate
Stage Two
This is a transitional stage. |
Jointly reviewing progress
Identifying barriers to change
Modifying the formulation as needed
Planning Stage Three.
Stage Three
The aim is to address the key mechanisms that are maintaining the patient’s eating disorder. |
Overevaluation of shape and weight
- providing education about overevaluation and its consequences
- reducing unhelpful body checking and avoidance
- relabelling unhelpful thoughts or feelings such as “feeling fat”
- developing previously marginalized domains of self-evaluation
- exploring the origins of the overevaluation
Event triggered changes in eating
Stage Four
The aims are to ensure that progress made in treatment is maintained and that the risk of relapse is minimised. |
Providing education about realistic expectations
Devising a short-term plan for the months following treatment
Devising a long-term plan to minimise relapse in the future